The legacy of The Hope Center is more than a campus and building; it is the vision to see farther than anyone thought possible and to impact lives for Christ for decades.

To make this happen, please consider a planned gift. This will secure The Hope Center as a home for 65+ Christian nonprofits for generations to come. If you would like to make a contribution or planned gift, please contact The Hope Center at 469.440.7563 for more detailed information.

The various types of Planned Giving options for you to consider:

  • Establish a trust that benefits you and The Hope Center. A charitable trust can be established that provides income to you or a loved one for life. When the trust ends, THC will receive a gift. This type of split-interest trust often provides tax savings too.

  • Make a gift to The Hope Center by naming THC as a beneficiary of an annuity, insurance policy or retirement account.

  • Make a gift to The Hope Center through a donor-advised fund or foundation. This method of giving is done through a third party with input from the donor. Many families have established donor-advised funds or private foundations as a way to organize and further support charities they believe in. The Hope Center can be named as an annual beneficiary of such a fund.

  • Bequests are one of the most popular ways to support The Hope Center. Naming THC as a beneficiary in your will is easy. If you've already included THC in your will or estate plan, we are grateful. While it certainly isn't required that you tell us of bequests, we hope you will consider doing so, even if you wish to remain anonymous. As THC builds for the future, your bequest could be one that will encourage others to share generously as well.

  • Faced with a large tax obligation, a Charitable Remainder Trust, will help reduce taxes. The money is given to the trust and then The Hope Center is named as a beneficiary. The trust benefits you and THC. A charitable trust can be established that provides income to you or a loved one for life. When the trust ends, THC will receive a gift.

Planned giving is important because future generations will celebrate the actions we take today. Every estate plan is unique, with each plan reflecting the individual’s desires, priorities and assets both now and in the future.

  • Planned giving is a gift that is “not cash” or “not now.”

  • Each individual can help in some way.

  • Gifts beyond your lifetime provide opportunities for future generations.

    Will you commit to come alongside us by placing THC in your estate plan? Our future depends upon it.