Hope For The Heart Leaders Luncheon
LifeWay Women events are full of fun and laughter, but they are also deeply personal and intimate. They are worshipful Bible teaching events created for women and we want YOU to be a part of it!
When we host an event, we don't just want to have an event; we want to spark a movement in the city. Our hope is that the impact of this event will carry on for months and years to come and that through this event, many will come to know Christ.
YOU ARE INVITED to a special gathering of women’s leaders from the Dallas area. We will share information about the event, how you can get involved and spend time praying together.
Plus, you will be entered to win a VIP Package which includes event tickets, a hotel room, reserved seats and more! Bring some friends and don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with other leaders.
This is more than an event - this is a movement.