Ministers' Wives
The Lord has placed on our heart the desire to honor YOU! We want to host a safe environment where you can find connections and support with other women serving with their husbands in ministry, including those who have retired. Allow us the privilege of serving you at our exclusive dessert celebration! We've planned a relaxing afternoon of encouragement, music, and decadent delights just for you. You'll be surrounded by fellow ministry wives, and we look forward to an uplifting afternoon together. SAVE THE DATE!
WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT BY: June Hunt, Susie Hawkins, Cheryl Reccord, and Debbie Stuart
HOSTED BY: Hope for the Heart and Ministers' Wives Team
HOSPITALITY BY: Trudy Cox and Team
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Please contact Debbie Stuart, Director of Ministry Initiatives, or call 972-212-9133.
Gifts will be given to every minister's wife in attendance. If your fellow Minister’s Wife did not receive an invitation, please contact Debbie Stuart.
The event is free, but registration is required.
Hosted by Hope For The Heart