National Day of Prayer 2016
On May 5, 2016, The Hope Centered hosted the National Day of Prayer in accordance with the nationwide observance. It stands as a call for us to humbly come before God, seeking His guidance for our leaders and His grace upon us as a people.
This special time of fellowship and prayer featured keynote speaker, Tommy Nelson, author and Senior Pastor at Denton Bible Church, and other leaders around the community, including Tim Dukes of Way-FM Radio, Janna Lewis of Council for Life, Holt Lunsford of Holt Lunsford Commercial, Captain Rick Owens, Congressman Sam Johnson, Wil Hodges of Cadence McShane Construction, and Chris Caldwell, student of Lakeview High School.
Special thanks to our sponsors: WAY-FM, Gerry Hughes with Thrivent Financial, and Cadene McShane Construction.